lundi 8 février 2010

All you need is love - a service prior to valentine's day

This morning colleagues from the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg led our worship, giving it the theme "all you need is love".

Ecumenical Centre Morning Worship

Monday 8 February 2010
Praying with the peoples and churches of Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands

All you need is Love

(Red candles in shape of heart on the altar “Sweet-hearts” in basket next to the liturgies)

Musical prelude – Beatles, All you need is love, on piano, guitar, flute, drums

Words of welcome
- welcoming all and especially visitors
- the countries on the prayer cycle this week...
- Invitation to stand and begin this morning’s worship as is customary in Dutch churches, by expressing our trust in the One who called us here together ....

Votum and greeting Lucette
(all stand) Our help is in the name of the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
Whose steadfast love endures for ever
Who does not forsake the work of his hands.

Grace to you and peace
from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Cor 1:3)

In response to God’s peace we sing to God:

The Gloria(sung in Dutch)
Ere zij de Vader en de Zoon en de Heilige Geest
Als in den beginne
Nu en immer
En van eeuwigheid tot eeuwigheid

(Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning,
now and always, and for ever and ever. Amen)

Ps 100
Hymn Juicht Gode toe, bazuint en zingt – All people that on earth do dwell
(Psalm 100 in the language of your choice, attached)

Scripture reading 1 Cor 13:1-13 raed in Dutch

Reflection Jet den Hollander
Ending with a question that serves as invitation to begin the poem

Poem What it is (Erich Fried)

Lucette stays at the 2nd mike and invites to sing the song ( remain seated)

Hymn Lumière de Dieu (Thuma Mina 150, in French, German, English)

Prayers of thanksgiving and intercession (Lucette and Lut)

For Gods goodness ….
Nous chantons / we sing: Lumière de Dieu (French only)

For the peoples and churches of Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands
Nous chantons / we sing: Lumière de Dieu

For our world
Nous chantons / we sing: Lumière de Dieu

For ourselves and our colleagues in the Ecumenical Centre
Nous chantons / we sing: Lumière de Dieu

Closing song The Love of God (Thuma Mina 219, in the language of your choice)

Zegen / Benediction, in Dutch

Musical postlude as we leave the chapel - All you need is love.