mercredi 17 février 2010

And Ash Wednesday order of morning prayer

This simple order of morning prayer was prepared by Theodore Gill of the World Council of Churches

MORNING PRAYER – Ash Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Mark 1:9-13
In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens torn apart and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.”
And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the
wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and he was with the wild beasts; and the
angels waited on him.

Lord, we depend upon you alone.
Lord, hear our prayer, and let our cry come to you.
Lord our God: you led your people out of the house of slavery,
when slavery seemed inevitable.
You offer your people hope, when all seems hopeless.
Reveal to us again that, with you, all things are possible.
Teach us to doubt the “inevitability” of any human plan.
Prove to us the power of repentance,
and the triumph inherent in the things that make for peace.
Lord, we depend upon you alone.
Lord, hear our prayer, and let our cry come to you.
Deliver us, Lord, from every evil that distracts us from your saving purpose.
Deliver us from the curse of war, and the human sin and pride that lie behind it. Deliver us from national vanity and political greed
that pose as patriotism or principle;
from blind boasting and self-worship that admit neither guilt nor shame.
Deliver us from leaders who lust for power and possessions,
but also from leaders deceived by their own self-righteousness.
Deliver us from human power and wisdom
that divert our eyes from Jesus, our ruler who reigns from the cross.
Lord, we depend upon you alone.
Lord, hear our prayer, and let our cry come to you.
Deliver us from seeking first the kingdoms of this world,
from trusting in weapons, and from mistrusting the councils of peace.
We pray for your guidance among leaders of the nations,
and among citizens who may have an impact on them.
We pray for the United Nations, for all international agencies
and other instruments of caring, that they may contribute to justice and reconciliation. Deliver your creation, Lord,
from everything that prevents the fulfillment of your promise of peace.
Lord, we depend upon you alone.
Lord, hear our prayer, and let our cry come to you.
Almighty God: we pray for manifestations of your kingdom on earth
to people of every nation, race and class. And we pray for your church in the world: This week, we pray especially for Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain –
and for people and churches of all nations caught up in war and terror –
and for the life and ministry of our own congregations.
We pray for those who suffer, who mourn, who seek some sign of hope.
We pray for those whom we once remembered regularly in our prayers,
but have since forgotten. Hold them in your heart, Lord, for you alone are faithful.
And with Christians throughout the ages, we pray –
each in our own language – the prayer that Jesus taught us, saying…
(The Lord’s Prayer)

Blessing and Benediction
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find.
Knock, and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives; and whoever seeks, finds.
And for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
Lord, have mercy upon us; Christ, have mercy upon us.
Lord, have mercy upon us, and grant us your peace.
Go out from this place in peace, to love and serve the Lord.
The Lord’s name be praised!
And may the blessing of Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
be upon us now, and remain with us always. Amen.