vendredi 25 avril 2008

Liturgy for the World Day of Prayer for Zimbabwe

Ecumenical Centre Chapel Monday April 28th 2008

Day of Prayer for Zimbabwe

A service asking for justice, peace and healing in Zimbabwe

Organised by the WSCF and the World YWCA

Call to prayer

We gather to remember and accompany the people of Zimbabwe, in the name of the blessed Trinity, one God, now and forever.
O Lord, open my eyes,
that I may see the need of others,
open my ears that I may hear their cries,
open my heart so that they need not be without succour.
Let me not be afraid to defend the weak because of the anger of the strong,
nor afraid to defend the poor,because of the anger of the rich.
Show me where love and hope and faith are needed,
and use me to bring them to these places.
Open my eyes and ears that I may, this coming day,
be able to do some work of peace for you.

Song: Uyai, O vanhu ve se, u yai kuna Mambo Jesu (Come all you people, come to our Lord Jesus)

Confession of sins
God of liberation and justice,
Defender of the poor and marginalized,
we seek your guidance.
Give us the vision and confidence to become prophets when resources are looted.
Let us hear the cry of the widows.
Let us feed the orphans.
Let us denounce injustice by the powerful.
May we demand drugs for the sick.
May we demand care for the abandoned.
May we denounce wastefulness by the affluent.
Forgive our silence.
Forgive our complicity.
In your mercy, forgive our condemnation of people living with HIV.
Forgive us when we deal lightly with the wounds of your people.
Forgive the times when we have offered artificial solutions.
Empower us to tackle corrupt systems,
Make us instruments of your peace.
Make us agents of transformation.
In Jesus’ name we pray.

Reassurance of pardon
Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?
Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily;
(Isaiah 58)
Almighty God who pardons all who truly repent, forgive your sins, strengthen you by the Holy Spirit, and keep you in life eternal; through Jesus Christ our redeemer.

Old Testament Reading: Psalm 85

Song: Verses I and 2 of Rakanaka Vhangeri
(Come and hear now the gospel, hear the good news)

Gospel reading: John 14:15-21

Song: Verse 3 of Rakana Vhangeri



Sung response: Kunda Kwenyu Nga ku it we. (Your will be done Your will be done O Lord)

We pray for the political situation in Zimbabwe that it may be resolved quickly and peacefully.
We pray that whatever announcement is made in the near future, peace will be restored to the land.
All sing: Kunda Kwenyu Nga ku it we

We pray that calm leadership will prevail, not leadership fuelled by half-truths and propaganda.
We pray that intimidation and violence will cease.
All sing: Kunda Kwenyu Nga ku it we

We pray that in the face of intimidation and violence people will remain firm in the truth of their convictions and will continue to vote their real desires should there be a runoff.
We pray that if there is a runoff, that it will be done in fairness and peace, with international observers who will truly validate the results.
All sing: Kunda Kwenyu Nga ku it we

We pray that the person of God's choice will be brought into the position of authority.
We pray that the church in Zimbabwe
will remain faithful to minister the Gospel in an uncertain atmosphere.
All sing: Kunda Kwenyu Nga ku it we

We pray for wisdom for retaining security and safety for women,
children and men in Zimbabwe.
We pray for the young people used by politicians,
that they may stand up and refused to be used.
All sing: Kunda Kwenyu Nga ku it we

We pray for courage and strength for the people of Zimbabwe
as they face their current challenges.
We pray that the needed change must surely come through God’s own way.
All sing: Kunda Kwenyu Nga ku it we

The Lord’s prayer - said by each in their own language

Hopes for Zimbabwe
We take a moment to write words of hope and courage for Zimbabwean people.

Song: Tenzi werumu komirai nesu zvi no.
(Christ of the resurrection stand by us now, so that at this moment we are made holy by you).

We carry our words to the Zimbabwean cross in the foyer.

Prayer at the cross
The cross is the way of the lost
The cross is the staff of the lame.

The cross is the guide of the blind
The cross is the strength of the weak.

The cross of the hope of the hopeless
The cross is the freedom of the slaves.

The cross is the water of the seeds
The cross is the consolation of the bonded labourers.

The cross is the source of those who seek water
The cross is the cloth of the naked.

The cross is the healing of the broken
The cross is the peace of the church.

We place our words of courage and hope for the people of Zimbabwe at the foot of the cross.

Now go out into the world to sow seeds of peace with justice,
And may:
The God of overflowing creative energy
The Jesus of vast compassion
The Holy Spirit who turns chaos to life enhancing wholesomeness
Be with you as you go.

Call to Prayer pp. 148-49 Shona prayer,“The Prayers of African Religion
Uyai, O vanhu ve se p 113 WCC sixth assembly worship book
Confession of sins Dr. Ezra Chitando
Reassurance of Pardon p 38 A New Zealand Prayer Book
Rakana Vhabngeri No 76 Agape
Kunda Kwenyu p 67 Worshipping Ecumenically
Intercessions YWCA
Tenzi werumu P 124 WCC sixth assembly worship book
Prayer at the cross Tenth century African hymn
Blessing YWCA